Bajaj Steel Industries & Continental Eagle
No Job is too small or unimportant for us , Our Logistical Network is indeed Globally recognised.
Whether You need a Massey Ferguson Tractor for ploughing Your fields or a Woodchipper we can source and deliver.
We Imported by Special Order from Australia , Cotton Module Movers and Equipment
Refurbished Ginning Equipment or previously Owned Cotton Gins .
We regularly supply spare parts and upgrade Outdated Murray and Lummus Gins and Baling presses.
Our African connection supplies Farm Implements , Pesticide Sprayers , Moisture Meters for Your Grain or Cotton Fibre, Parts for Your Weighbridge or a New Weighbridge.
Herbicides and organic pesticides for Vegetables ,Cotton as well as fertilizer is another one of our specialities .

Ramacom International
We specialize in Turn Key Cotton Ginning Projects in conjunction with BSI India-Continental Eagle Ginning Equipment. The Design Team will assist with Building plans Equipment requirement and Feasibility.
We commissioned the First Brand New High-Capacity Cotton Gin at Koedoeskop near Thabazimbi in a record time in June 2018.
The ultimate capacity of this Plant is 45 BPH consisting of 3 x161 Golden Eagle Gin Stands, Pre-cleaning and the Industry leading 24 D Double Lint Cleaners.
This Plant was designed from the Ground Up and is the Biggest most modern Cotton Gin in Sub-Sharan Africa.
The Baling system is Fully Automated and consists of a Samuel P-361 Series Strapping System fully integrated with the New Continental Equipment and UD Down packing Bale Press this ensures maximum efficiency and a Higher Quality Cotton fibre with more consistent Uniform Bale Weights and integrated software.
Want to see our automated bailing and packaging system in action?
High Capacity Gin Project
Most Advanced South of the Equator!
More about Ramacom International
Ramacom covers Sub Saharan Africa, as well as Namibia, Botswana and Angola.
With more than a 100 Years’ experience in the Textile and Cotton Industry You are assured of a Professional Partnership run by a Young Dynamic Team and a State-of-the-Art Factory in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Bajaj is the only company in the world producing machineries for all cotton ginning technologies i.e. Double Roller, Saw Gin & Rotobar, all Pressing technologies i.e., Down Packing, Up Packing & Horizontal Packing, as well as Seed Cleaning, Delinting & Decorticating.
Bajaj ConEagle LLC (BC LLC) was formed in April 2012 in Millbrook, Alabama as a wholly owned subsidiary of Bajaj Steel Industries LTD (BSI) India to serve the customers of Continental Eagle Corporation (CEC) and others for the supply of parts, machinery and service primarily in the U.S. market.